This guide provides detailed instructions and insights into effectively using these immersive tools, ensuring you can maximize your experience and understanding of 3D virtual reality technology.


Material name: Multiplier VR Application of EU Energy Efficiency

Matarial NameDescriptionDownload Link
Information About the MaterialThis educational material enables users to examine environmental features found in cities around the world. Apart from the project countries, it helps to discover the place of world in different countries. The material aims to help teachers in teaching. The material includes in the environment as multiplayer. For use the material, Oculus Quest Engine is suitable for to participate students and teacher.Material Apk file: Click For download (Suitable for Oculus Quest)
From Fire to GreenShift from Hell to Heaven: This VR journey takes users through the transformation of a devastated environment into a thriving green space, emphasizing the transition to a greener life.Click for download
Greenland Ice Melting Virtual
Reality Application
Global warming has emerged as a shared concern across the globe, impacting the equilibrium of the planet through temperature rises in glaciers. To address this, a 3D virtual reality application has been created in Turkish, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Slovak languages. This app aims to elucidate the characteristics of polar seas and lakes, track their evolution and alterations, and project potential future scenarios. Through this innovative tool, students can acquire a comprehensive understanding within a 3D environment, facilitated by the Unreal Engine application. Additionally, easy access to the application is provided via personal computers.Click for download
Lake House Renewable
Energy – Virtual Production
A virtual representation of a lake house powered by renewable energy is presented, highlighting sustainable living practices.Click for download

Blender/ 3D Objects for STEM Materials

You can download the Blender, 3D designs which is used in VR environment for STEM education from the link below. The materials can be used for 3D printers.


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