
“The Key to Global Life, Digital Change of Nature”


October 12-15, 2023, Tokat, The Key to Global Life, Digital Change of Nature

International Symposium and Learning Festival

“The Key to Global Life: Digital Change of Nature”, an International Symposium and Learning Festival, was held on October 12-15, 2023, in Tokat, Turkey. The learning festival and symposium included educators, teachers, academics, NGOs, associations, student groups, and environmental activists who have dedicated efforts to nature. Alongside sharing the results of the project numbered “2020-1-TR01-KA201-094533” titled “The Key to Global Life: Digital Transformation of Nature”, the symposium served as an inspiration for new projects by sharing the works and experiences of the participants. Numerous activities were conducted during the learning festival and symposium, including workshops, discussions, nature studies, and concerts.

The learning festival and symposium took place in two main events: the Learning Festival and the International Symposium, which were held at the Tokat Provincial Directorate of National Education event and symposium venue and the Tokat In-Service Training Institute.”

1. Learning Festival

The Digitalchangeon Learning Festival was presented as the focal point for the project’s learning outcomes. Holding the event concurrently with Erasmus+ Days has provided an opportunity to promote Erasmus+. In this context, participants who came to the Tokat Provincial Directorate of National Education had the chance to see and try out the environmental solutions of the O1 STEM, O2 E-content, and O3 Virtual Learning project outputs on-site. The learning festival, which brought together participants, especially teachers and students, allowed them to try these applications firsthand. Furthermore, discussions on educational content, the dissemination of good practice examples to a wider audience, and ensuring that the outputs of the Erasmus + KA201 project named “The Key to Global Life: Digital Transformation of Nature” reached other stakeholders beyond the project partners were objectives of this initiative. The work has been used as a tool to spread the results of environmentally focused research on a global scale with the participation of both domestic and international attendees. A map of the event area is shown in Figure 1.

1. Learnin festival Area

2. International Symposium Activities

The Digitalchangeon Learning Festival and Symposium were conducted with the goal of discussing educational contents that bring together STEM, E-Content, and Virtual Learning environments to address environmental issues, to disseminate good practices to a broad audience, and to ensure that the outcomes of the Erasmus + KA201 project “The Key to Global Life: Digital Transformation of Nature” reach stakeholders beyond the project partners. The work served as a tool to globally disseminate the results of environmentally focused research. The symposium took place concurrently with the learning festival over two days. Thus, while the project outcomes were presented in the symposium area, their applications were carried out in the learning festival area.

The project outcomes presented at the Digitalchangeon Symposium were recognized in this environment where national and international participants were present. During the four-day Digitalchangeon Symposium segment, attention was drawn to environmental issues including climate change, the importance of recycling was discussed, examples of ecological living were presented, and information on how to reduce one’s ecological footprint in the world was conveyed. In addition, research approved by the scientific committee was presented both online and in person as good practice examples over the four days.

Erasmus Arae

Symposium presentations

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